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Our papers

The proton-sensing receptors TDAG8 and GPR4 are differentially expressed in human and mouse oligodendrocytes: Exploring their role in neuroinflammation and multiple sclerosis
The proton-sensing receptors TDAG8 and GPR4 are differentially expressed in human and mouse oligodendrocytes: Exploring their role in neuroinflammation and multiple sclerosis
3D-printed extraction devices fabricated from silica particles suspended in acrylate resin.
3D-printed extraction devices fabricated from silica particles suspended in acrylate resin.
Editorial on the Research Topic The molecular mechanisms and potential drug targets for remyelination and neuroregeneration.
Editorial on the Research Topic The molecular mechanisms and potential drug targets for remyelination and neuroregeneration.
Systemic inflammation differentially modulates the levels of EBI2 and CH25H/CYP7B1 enzymes in the brain microvascular cells.
The proton-activated receptor TDAG8 is upregulated in oligodendrocytes during maturation and under acidic conditions
The Impaired Distribution of Adenosine Deaminase Isoenzymes in Multiple Sclerosis Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid. Front. Mol. Neurosci. Sept. 2022
Mechanoreceptor Piezo1 Is Downregulated in Multiple Sclerosis Brain and Is Involved in the Maturation and Migration of Oligodendrocytes in vitro. Front. Cell. Neurosci. May 2022
EBI2 receptor regulates myelin development and inhibits LPC-induced demyelination. Journal of Neuroinflammation. Dec 2017
EBI2 is expressed in glial cells in multiple sclerosis lesions, and its knock-out modulates remyelination in the cuprizone model. European Journal of Neuroscience. June 2021
EBI2 Is Temporarily Upregulated in MO3.13 Oligodendrocytes during Maturation and Regulates Remyelination in the Organotypic Cerebellar Slice Model. Int. J. Mol. Sci. April 2021
The EBI2 signalling pathway plays a role in cellular crosstalk between astrocytes and macrophages. Scientific Reports. May 2016