

In our pursuit of advancing neuroscience and drug discovery, our team is on a mission to develop therapeutic approaches for demyelinating, neuroinflammatory, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Here’s a sneak peek into our research endeavours:

🧠 Key Focus Areas:

Remyelination: Exploring the brain’s potential for repair.

Demyelination Defense: Crafting strategies to shield against demyelination.

Neurodegeneration: Paving the way for novel approaches to tackle this complex challenge.

Blood-Brain Barrier: Unraveling its function in both health and disease.

💊 Drug Development: Through our research, we’re on a quest to develop drugs that precisely target remyelination and neuroinflammation. Collaborating with top-notch researchers and clinicians around the world amplifies our progress. 🤝

🔍 Tools of the Trade: We’re not just researchers, we’re molecular and cellular biologists. Our experiments come to life with an arsenal of tools, including primary brain cells, organotypic brain slices, human blood-brain barrier models, primary immune cells, and brain and immune cell lines. Human brain tissue and patient samples add real-world depth to our investigations.

⚗️ In Vivo Explorations: Promising targets aren’t just theoretical concepts; we put them to the test using various in vivo models, from the LPS model to the cuprizone model and the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model.

🧑‍🔬 Educating Future Minds: Beyond the lab bench, we’re committed to shaping the next generation of neuroscientists. Our educational opportunities span the spectrum, welcoming students and researchers from undergraduate to postdoctoral levels. 🎓